But then tear away his hopes and dreams upon clickage. I was gonna post this anyways, but its even funnier that just mentioned posting 8 out of 10 recents.
Random Pandora Artist from Vancouver. Not bad... heard them on Muse Radio.
On news from me: Live/ in development site: highestcontract.com
Fun stuff like php sessions, logins, all that fun shit. the admin site is the best part, with tons of database accessing and sorting and field editing and real-time database manipulation via ALTER DROP ADD stuff.
OOo_0 or something like that.
if you wanna play: u:kordix p:blogroll
if you wanna play with the admin site, let me know, i'll give you password and such... but the site is live so i can't have it floating around everywhere.
PS. wanna spam DanK? keep requesting the password be sent to the kordix username*. okaythanksbye
*won't actually send to his address.
Posted by blind487 at February 7, 2007 10:49 AM