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August 23, 2006



Ralph, you were right. I got a job. And its a good one. And pays pretty well.

I'm now (or will be within a week) a web developer for Goldleaf Financial Solutions. This is a very, very good thing.

The last month has been very very interesting to say the least. A month ago, I was planning a wedding with no honeymoon after it, no place nailed down to live in when we get to nashville, and no job to be able to afford the place. Then the apartment opened up. The next day or so, we booked the honeymoon. Then the wedding happened, had a great honeymoon, got a LOT of really awesome and necessary gifts (thanks everyone!!), packed (ugh), moved (ouch) and unpacked (ugh again)... Kristin started orientation two days ago. Yesterday I had an interview for a job. Today, I GOT the job. There is not a lot left that needs to be worked out.

The last few months have been enormously stressful on me. And Kristin. And its been like one of those trust falls, where you stand on a ledge and fall backward and all your friends below have to catch you. It's damn scary. And in real life, you're not sure who's there to catch you. But this all seems to have finally worked itself out nicely. I can finally breathe again.

Well, I guess that means Kristin and I are gonna go out for a nice dinner, buy a sofa, get cell phones and get our apartment internet'd. This is pretty cool.

Posted by pedalboy at August 23, 2006 3:55 PM | TrackBack

Thrusted into being a Real Person(TM) so quickly.. way to go on surviving all that and congrats on the jorb! Check your mail.

Posted by: at August 23, 2006 4:06 PM

sounds pretty good to me, dude. it's going to be weird not seeing you and kristin around st. louis this year!

Posted by: cecily at August 23, 2006 8:38 PM

Praise God! That's fantastic, congrats!!

Posted by: Kristina at August 23, 2006 9:44 PM

Congratulations, Matt!

(On the job and the wedding, actually.)

Now don't go become a soulless computer guy and stop making music. That would suck.

Posted by: Dan at August 24, 2006 9:36 AM

Hey hon, congrats on the job and moving and all that. I'm back in school,, mooching wireless since the one in my apartment hasn't been installed yet. This whole re-entering vet school bit has not been pleasant, especially since U of I has been pretending I don't exist. I hope you have a great time with your new job and aren't the shunned new kid!!

Posted by: Allison at August 24, 2006 12:59 PM

rock on goodie boy. a real wife, a real job, real bills. its the big life. congrats on everything. i hope your job is cool.

Posted by: marc at September 16, 2006 9:33 AM
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