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March 30, 2009

Some pics

Just a couple of recent pics from the mattlife.

Some of these I shot in raw and used Microsoft's RAW thumbnailer/preview tool to export the jpegs... and i think that tool sortof does a terrible job of adjusting white balance and such... I need a better (free) program for that sort of thing. Perhaps GIMP.

Posted by pedalboy at 1:17 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack

March 28, 2009

Introducing the "I Heart Heart Cat Cat Map Map App App"

Hello everyone! I'm rolling out a stupid little app for my greenville friends today. If you're not in my Greenville circle of friends, you may need a little background here...

Actually, this origin story has become the stuff of legend over time, so the following may be totally inaccurate.

A while back, two of my friends Kate and Katie found this horrendous sweater-shirt thing at the Greenville thrift store. It's clearly a sweater material, but it has short sleeves? What the heck is that all about? It has the letter "I" on it, two hearts, and two cats. The inexplicable monstrosity has been ever since referred to as the "I Heart Heart Cat Cat" shirt. We've all taken pictures wearing it - this has sortof become a hazing ceremony for joining our group of friends. It's a right of passage thing.

Now that a lot of our friends are traveling the world and doing cool things, we decided to take some advice from the whole "traveling garden gnome" thing, and take pictures of us wearing the shirt in cool places, in front of historic and famous monuments, and the like. Of course, we need a Google maps mashup to keep track of all this, right? RIGHT??

Well, either way, I made one. I'm calling it the I Heart Heart Cat Cat Map Map App App.

Kristin looks awesome in that one.

From a technical standpoint, not too much interesting going on here. I did use MySQL's spatial datatypes (only POINT, really) for storing the coordinates. This isn't technically correct since MySQL only deals with planar points and lat/long are curvilinear, but I've been sorta geeking out over GIS technology lately, and I really just wanted to get used to the OpenGIS stuff. Any distance calculations I'll have to do out of the db, but I don't really think I'll be doing much of those anyway.

The other kinda cool thing I did was set up an approval system. Instead of having users and junk to deal with (so not just ANYONE can post an image), The system accepts all images, thumbnails them and such, and sends an email with an approval code link. I check out the thumbnail in the email, decide if it's cool, and click a link to either approve or reject it. Neato.

So there you have it. Check it out now and then, as we should have some new additions happening soon, coming from Turkey and London (hint hint kittermans).

Posted by pedalboy at 1:33 AM | TrackBack

March 12, 2009

Art Inspiration

A while back @chasemacri said to me that he had the perfect title for my upcoming album: Cosmonautical. He was right of course, except for the fact he later pointed out that The Transmissionary Six had already used that name. Oops. So we got talking about album titles and @katiegiesbrecht and @katenetzler suggested some good ones, some of which I threw out. I threw them out partially on the basis that they didn't line up with the aesthetic i was going for. This is completely subjective of course and I was actually comparing the titles to the music in my head, which I was comparing to a collection of images I had begun to assemble for album art.

So I'm no graphic artist, I'm no visual artist. None of that. It's not my bag, I don't know how to *make* something like that. That's not to say I'm not affected by it quite a bit though. I really get inspired by great images. And I have to translate that feeling into music then. So I thought I'd share some of the images so you can see what I'm shooting for.

Mmmkay, first up: your standard Sci-Fi rag fare.

And a dose of retrofuture, courtesy of the legendary Syd Mead.

Throw in some strange, bizarre elements and you have something resembling magical realism.

Some ACTUAL realism:

(that picture is a thousand times better for the inclusion of the car in the shot)

Add the requisite gratuitous pulpy women & damsels:

(probably the sexiest thing about synesthesia I've ever seen)

And get back to your roots.

(Actually, this one could've fallen into the last category, too. Allison Hayes is, um, well-iillustrated, methinks)

There you have it. That's what I've been all about visually lately. Hopefully that gives you an idea of the particular kind of beauty I'm after. If that didn't work, just listen to Aimee Mann's Lost In Space and try to remember your childhood.

I don't own the rights to these image, I think that since i'm using them as a reference for further derivative works and this blog is noncommercial, this should be protected under fair use. If you own the rights to an image here and want me to remove it, I'll be happy to oblige.

Posted by pedalboy at 12:12 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack